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      HomeIndustriesHash Manufacturing AutomationManage Your Palm Oil Industry with Hash Manufacturing Software!

      Manage Your Palm Oil Industry with Hash Manufacturing Software!

      The palm oil industry is one of the companies that can affect a country’s economy. Due to the growing needs of the market, production activities are done every day. Refining is one of the steps in making palm oil. Even though the steps in the refining stage are long, they need to be done well. The Hash Manufacturing software is used to manage the manufacturing of the palm oil industry. With this software, you can automatically keep an eye on and control what’s going on at work, making it go more smoothly. Hash Manufacturing software is beneficial because it helps manufacturing companies from the beginning to the end of the process. This software will make factories more productive.

      Hash Manufacturing software is used in a lot of different industries, and the palm oil industry is one of them now. Since the process takes a long time, it can’t be controlled by hand. So, the Hash Manufacturing software is here to give you different modules that can help you with your operational tasks. The modules are complete and can be changed to fit your needs and conditions. You can download the pricing scheme software from Hash Manufacturing so you can find out more.

      In this article, we will discuss Hash Manufacturing and the reasons why you should choose this software!


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        The Reason Why You Need to Use Hash Manufacturing Software

        palm oil
        source: hashmicro.com

        As the best provider of ERP solutions in Singapore, HashMicro has a branch in Indonesia.  HashMicro was started because it knew that each company was different and that not every system in each company was the same. Thus, HashMicro plans to make a system that can be changed to fit the needs of the company. One of them is a company that makes palm oil. It works differently than other oil companies. A lot of the work done in the palm oil industry has to do with making things. The work that goes into making palm oil isn’t easy and isn’t small, either, because it involves a lot of different people. Hash Manufacturing is one of the software that HashMicro presents for automating the company’s operational tasks. Here are some reasons why your manufacturing system should be Hash Manufacturing:

        1. Unlimited user

        Every business usually has more than one stakeholder. Because of this, it is important to have a system that many people in the company can use. With Hash Manufacturing software, many people can access every report and piece of data that is processed on the software, based on what they want. This doesn’t cost anything extra, so it’s easy to set up people who can use your system.

        2. Best business practices

        Before you choose software for your business, you will discuss the needs of the business and what kind of software would be best. After we make the deal, the next step is to try out how the system works. HashMicro will use business practices related to the system that will be used to make sure that everything goes as planned. These business practices are also meant to make sure that the system works well so that clients are delighted.

        3. Professional expert

        When you want to get suggestions about the software you use, you need to talk to experts. HashMicro is made up of experts who are not just good at business or technology, but at both so that the company can meet different needs. The experts who will work on your software will make it based on how your company works. This means that you don’t have to worry because the software will be as excellent as it can be. You will also get full help with your business from this expert, as well as a system that works for your business.

        4. Innovative development

        At the same time that the world is changing quickly, technology is also changing quickly. Companies are also asked to be able to change with the times so that they can still compete with others. HashMicro knows that new ideas are still needed, which is why many companies are always changing how they do business. HashMicro will keep coming up with new ways to give customers what they want. That way, system innovation in your company can also be changed to fit the goals of your company.

        Also read: Solution For Supply Chain Problems in the Palm Industry

        The Advantages of Using Hash Manufacturing Software

        Companies that are about to start using software in their systems need to pay attention to what benefits they get. In the palm oil industry, you have to be good at making things, especially when it comes to refining oil. Production is not a small or easy thing to do, so management needs to work together and we can do it well with this software. As the owner of the palm oil industry, you can see how the Hash Manufacturing software can help you. Here are some of the good things you can expect:

        1. Controlled inventory and procurement

        The stock of goods is an important part of the palm oil industry because operations are based on the stock of goods they own. When refining palm oil, we must maintain the results and avoid damaging the product. With the Hash Manufacturing software, you can keep track of the stock and manufacturing tools in real time. You can also automate the purchasing system with this software so that there is always enough stock to meet the needs of the factory.

        2. Timely production activities

        Especially in the process of refining palm oil, each step in the production process will have its own schedule. Refining palm oil takes a certain amount of time, which affects the results. The Hash Manufacturing software from HashMicro will help you get production tasks done on time. With this software, we can easily meet customer needs because we can use and manage the machines, materials, and staff in the best way possible.

        3. Automate WIP calculations

        There is a Work In Progress (WIP) calculation in the financial statements. Work in progress is an asset on a company’s balance sheet that shows how costs move from one manufacturing area to another. Before being moved to the cost of goods sold on the balance sheet, the costs listed here are added to the finished goods. For WIP calculations, you can use Hash Manufacturing software to make sure that mistakes happen as little as possible. With this software, you can automatically figure out how much Work in Progress (WIP) costs and connect it to other systems.

        4. Make accurate decisions

        We can make a decision based on how the company is doing and how much money it makes. So, you need accurate information, and the decisions you make don’t turn out to be bad ones. A report is one piece of information that can help you decide what to do. This report has sections about sales, purchases, damages, and other things. With Hash Manufacturing software, you can create accurate production process analysis reports in just a few clicks to make the production process more effective in the future.

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        The Modules That You Will Get from Hash Manufacturing Software

        palm oil
        source: hashmicro.com

        You can also consider the modules currently offered when choosing software for your oil palm business. You will use these modules on the system for your company, so you need to decide which ones to use based on what your company needs. Hash Manufacturing has a number of modules that can help your system for making palm oil, especially when it comes to refining palm oil. Here are the modules you can choose from:

        1. CRM Sales

        Palm oil sales need to be monitored to see how well your business is doing. With the help of professional templates, the CRM Sales module from Hash Manufacturing will automatically make offers, sales orders, and invoices for you. Also, sales reports are important tools for evaluating performance. With this module, you can make accurate, complete sales reports in just a few minutes. This module can also be used to figure out sales commissions, which are calculated accurately based on how well sales goals are met.

        2. Procurement

        In order to refine palm oil, you need to start with palm fruit. We have to buy this raw material in a smart way so that it doesn’t go terribly and pile up in the warehouse. Using the procurement module in Hash Manufacturing can cut down on waste by making it easy and accurate to buy raw materials for production. If you have a lot of divisions or branches, this module can help you keep track of them all. This module will also keep good records of the raw materials that come into and leave the warehouse.  

        3. Inventory

        To get the pure oil out of palm fruit, you need manufacturing equipment. So, we need to manage tools and other inventory items so that we can keep them in good condition and last a long time. Inventory items aren’t small, either, so if you still do things by hand, mistakes are likely to happen. With Hash Manufacturing’s inventory management module, you can automatically keep track of thousands of SKUs. You’ll also be able to manage stock availability, improve the accuracy of stock movements with FIFO and FEFO, and more through this module.

        4. Accounting

        Finance is an important part of a business because it will affect how well it does in sales. It is important that the financial reports you make are correct and easy to understand. Especially at a large company like the palm oil industry, transactions are not simple, so we need to record them correctly. Using the accounting module in hash manufacturing, you can check on your finances at any time and from anywhere. With this feature, you can do things more quickly. Also, we can do monitoring in real-time, and we can track things like cash flow, income, and other costs properly and accurately.

        5. Manufacturing

        Manufacturing will be an important part of making things like palm oil. When refining palm oil, there are many steps that we need to take. For each step you have to do right, you need a system that can control production. Your Hash Manufacturing manufacturing system module can make your production more efficient and give you the best visibility for every part of the production, such as machine kiosks, making work orders and manufacturing orders, and Bills of Materials. With this system, the things you do to make things will be more organized and well-documented.

        6. Asset Management

        Each asset has a lifetime, so it’s important to keep track of them in a structured way. Because each asset is different, the way to take care of each one can be different. To reduce the chance of making mistakes when managing assets, you need a system that can do it automatically. Through the asset management module from Hash Manufacturing software, you can easily and quickly find out everything you need to know about values and conditions. With this system, we can schedule asset maintenance automatically so that there is no downtime. This system can accurately and automatically figure out the costs of maintenance and ROI.


        The palm oil industry is one of the big industries that makes a lot of things on a large scale. To make the best palm oil, there are a lot of steps that need to be taken. Palm oil is refined from oil palms. Before we finish the refining stage, there are still a few more steps in this stage. For refining, you need the right tools and will work directly with raw materials. This process has a lot of steps, so we have to manage it well. Hash Manufacturing software from HashMicro can be used for this kind of manufacturing management, which will help your company be more productive and make more money. You can use different parts of this software depending on what your business needs. You can try out the free demo from Hash Manufacturing software to find out more.

        HashMicro is a software development and enterprise resource planning (ERP) company. Consequently, we often provide articles about ERP and other systems that all businesses need.

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