Employee theft is the biggest threat that can happen in your company. Unfortunately, it is still difficult to find out whether your employees have a tendency to do thievery or not. That does not mean you have no way to control your employees to reduce the potential thievery. One way to control your employees is by using POS or Point-of-Sale software.
By definition, POS software is a system to carry out retail sales transactions. Generally, we can find POS software used in restaurants, cafes, and the like. Other than facilitating sales transactions at the cashier, POS applications also have other interesting benefits. One of those benefits is to prevent employee theft.
You can manage your store purchases & cash control and have real-time updates from anywhere at any time using a high-quality Retail POS System.
Key Takeaways
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Void Out Sales Access Limitation Using POS Software
Void out sales are a common practice in retail businesses. We often find buyers who request their purchases to be canceled by cashiers. There are many reasons for void sales, such as picking the wrong item, the wrong size, not enough money, and many more. Those major falses can easily be avoided using the best Point of Sales system.
The problem is, that cashiers use this method to commit fraud. For example, when a transaction is voided, the purchased item is not returned to its shelf. This happens because the access to cancel a purchase is not restricted. You can prevent that with a business efficiency solution using a best POS System Singapore.
POS software allows you to limit who is allowed to access void-out sales. Thus, you can minimize the possibility of thievery.
Implementation of Cash Tracking
Cash money is the most frequent and easily embezzled by your cashier. Knowing whether your employees are committing fraud or not will be difficult without any help. This is the main reason for the increasing number of retail companies start using POS software.
With the best POS software, they can easily track anyone among their employees who often input “void”, “no sale”, or “cash paid out”. Thus you can find out what is the reason for those actions. POS software is capable of making your cashier unable to open a cash drawer if there is no transaction.
With this feature, you can reduce thievery as low as possible and you will discipline your employees. You can also get a price calculation for HashMicro software based on your business requirements by downloading the software pricing scheme.
Creating Security Clearance
This point is still related to the first one. You certainly don’t want everyone to be able to void out sales, right? But with manual cashier transactions, you can only trust your staff to always be honest with you.
Unfortunately, the reality is not always as pretty as we want it right? Some people still commit thievery even though you chose them through a series of interviews. This problem will not happen if you use the POS software.
With the POS application, you can determine which of your staff can void out sales. For example, you can arrange for only managers can do that. You can set up a security hierarchy and avoid theft practices.
Perform Audits Regularly
Using the POS software will make it easier for you to monitor everything related to your cashier’s activities. From checking inventory systems to purchasing processes can be monitored if you connect the POS software with either inventory or purchasing systems.
There are several cashier activities that you can monitor with the POS application:
- Price changes
- Order voids
- Removing items from orders
- Security violation
- Time clock changes
By monitoring the five things above, you can find out which of your employees has the potential to commit thievery. You also can take precautions before those misconducts happen in your company.
Those are some POS software features also tips and tricks you can use to prevent employee theft in your company. You can also get free HashMicro software demo and consult your company’s needs with our business experts just by click here now!