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HomeERP15 Benefits of ERP System for Business in 2024

15 Benefits of ERP System for Business in 2024

If you’re thinking about implementing an ERP system, you might be wondering how an ERP benefits your business. Essentially, an ERP system acts as a unified repository for all your company’s data, offering robust reporting capabilities and numerous opportunities to boost efficiency and reduce expenses throughout your enterprise.

In the Philippine Enterprise Software market, there is a growing need for software solutions designed to enhance business operations and boost efficiency. Moreover, the Philippines’ thriving BPO industry, a major force in the Enterprise Software market, demands software solutions for operational management and client services.

These benefits are just some of the main reasons to consider ERP. We are here to guide you through what this technology can offer to a business. What new capabilities will it bring to your business? How will it help cut costs and support growth? Let’s explore 15 key advantages that an ERP system can provide for your business in more detail.

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    Benefits of Implementing an ERP System

    The idea of an ERP system is simple: it compiles all departmental data into one integrated system. While the premise sounds simple, the advantages that an ERP system offers are extensive. Here are 15 of the most significant ERP benefits for businesses:

    1. Cost savings

    erp benefits

    The most compelling justification for investing in an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is its significant potential to decrease overall expenses. Furthermore, a study found that 62% of companies reported that ERP systems reduce overall costs.

    Process automation can notably lower various administrative and operational costs. Tasks like manual data entry or procedures needing extensive paperwork are often rendered obsolete by such software.

    The comprehensive insights offered by ERP software open up numerous possibilities for further cost reductions. Having the capability to oversee your business’s vital signs from a single platform allows for the swift identification and mitigation of rising expenses. Additionally, ERP systems’ improved planning helps avoid emergency orders and overproduction, reducing cost inflations.

    2. Increase efficiency

    An ERP solution enhances organizational efficiency by integrating with every aspect of the business. From recruiters and warehouse managers to top executives, all can witness improvements due to increased automation and easier access to information.

    This makes processes quicker and less labor-intensive, benefiting not only the business but also its customers. Such efficiencies can significantly lower operating costs and lead to increased profits. Moreover, statistics show that 95% of companies experience process improvements after adopting an ERP system.

    3. Return of investment (ROI)

    67% of CIOs report a positive ROI after implementing an ERP system. A positive ROI means the system has generated more value than what was spent on it, which can include improved operational efficiency, reduced costs, and enhanced decision-making capabilities.

    The average ROI for an ERP project is 52%. This return is a significant indicator of the financial viability and success of ERP projects, showcasing their ability to contribute positively to a company’s financial health.

    4. Multi-company management

    data forecasting

    Multi-company management is a key advantage of ERP systems, enabling businesses with multiple divisions or subsidiaries to integrate data across entities. This facilitates unified reporting and strategic decision-making while standardizing operations like procurement and financial consolidation.

    The result is enhanced efficiency among all companies in the same group. It is done by streamlining administrative tasks and supporting effective governance across the corporate group.

    5. Accurate forecasting

    ERP software equips users, particularly managers, with the capabilities to generate precise forecasts. This enables users and the broader business to anticipate needs, from inventory and sales to finances and customer support.

    Enhanced forecasting allows your organization to reduce costs and adopt a more proactive approach, leading to savings and higher profits. With ERP’s real-time, accurate data, companies can make realistic projections and improve their forecasting effectiveness. Studies also found that 67% of companies using ERP solutions experience better demand forecasting accuracy.

    6. Regulatory compliance

    An often overlooked advantage of ERP software is its ability to assist with regulatory compliance in the manufacturing sector. Advanced ERP systems are designed to track industry regulations and updates in compliance standards. This feature ensures that both individual users and businesses at large stay informed and comply with pertinent laws, regulations, guidelines, and standards related to business operations.

    7. Full visibility 

    One of the key ERP benefits is enhanced visibility across the entire business, which is immensely valuable. This comprehensive insight enables quicker, more informed decision-making since managers have access to all necessary information. For instance, if the purchasing department can view the status of pending purchase orders, they can adjust their upcoming orders to prevent stock surplus or shortages.

    Having insight into processes and data managed by other departments significantly improves the efficiency of all teams and individual employees. It also reduces the time and effort previously required to locate such information.

    8. Improved decision-making

    improve decision making

    A significant 60% of organizations have reported that their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems have had a positive impact on their decision-making processes. This statistic highlights the crucial role that ERP benefits have in enhancing the ability of businesses to make informed, timely decisions.

    By consolidating data across various departments into a single, accessible platform, ERP systems provide a comprehensive view of business operations, enabling leaders and managers to analyze information more effectively. This improved analytical capability leads to better overall business management and organizational decision-making.

    9. Scalability and flexibility

    Top-tier ERP systems excel in adaptability, offering essential features while allowing for expansion as business needs grow. They can accommodate new users and adapt to significant changes, eliminating the need for alternative solutions.

    Cloud-based ERP systems are especially advantageous for rapidly expanding businesses. Hosted externally, these systems scale easily without the added burden on IT staff, removing the need for extensive in-house technical support.

    ERP systems cater to all business types and sizes, with top providers offering customizable platforms to meet specific operational needs and metrics. Despite their complexity, the inherent flexibility of ERP systems ensures they remain suitable as business requirements evolve, without the need for replacement.

    10. Improved customer satisfaction

    Studies reported that 47% of companies improve their customer satisfaction by centralizing data and streamlining processes. It works by boosting timely order fulfillment and quicker response times to inquiries. Additionally, ERP systems can tailor products and services to meet customer needs more effectively through data analysis, ultimately increasing loyalty and satisfaction.

    This is particularly crucial for companies in fast-paced industries with an intense need to fulfill customer satisfaction, such as FMCG companies. Using the best FMCG ERP software is essential to help these companies grow in the right direction. By integrating all aspects of the business into a single system, ERP software not only supports current business needs but also positions the company for sustainable growth and success in the future.

    11. Rising employee satisfaction

    Implementing an ERP system significantly boosts employee satisfaction by streamlining processes, reducing stress, and enhancing efficiency. It empowers employees with real-time data for better decision-making and fosters a collaborative workplace culture. A survey reported that 41% of companies have a rise in employee satisfaction.

    Furthermore, ERP integration simplifies operations and improves communication, reducing errors and enhancing efficiency. It offers a unified information source, boosting employee confidence and effectiveness. This leads to greater engagement, higher retention, and a positive work culture.

    12. Real-time reporting

    Reporting is one of the major ERP benefits, allowing endless customization for all business areas like finance, inventory, sales, and HR. With an ERP, you can track any key metrics or KPIs, assess performance across the business, and compare departments to identify what aids or hinders progress.

    Having access to up-to-date data is critical; hence why real-time reporting is so valuable. Waiting weeks for last quarter’s revenue figures can render the data obsolete and less actionable. Conversely, having revenue updates in real-time, with each transaction, allows for immediate, informed decision-making.

    13. Improve collaboration

    Many of the advantages discussed before promote teamwork. Having insight into other teams’ operations and the data they use simplifies collaboration and encourages employees to offer support to their peers proactively. Teams are no longer isolated, relying on exclusive applications not integrated with the broader system.

    Enhanced communication and cooperation among employees benefit the entire company. Collectively, they can identify redundant tasks for elimination or devise more efficient methods for routine operations. Miscommunication or lack of awareness about colleagues’ projects often causes issues, yet an ERP system plays a crucial role in avoiding such pitfalls.

    14. Simple bookkeeping

    Simple bookkeeping is one of the notable ERP benefits. By automating financial transactions and integrating them across various business functions, ERP systems ensure accuracy and reduce manual entry errors.

    This leads to more reliable financial records and simplifies the audit process. Additionally, real-time financial data provided by ERP systems aids in timely decision-making and improves overall financial management within a company.

    15. Robust inventory management

    Robust inventory management is a critical benefit of ERP systems. These systems provide detailed tracking and management of inventory levels, orders, and deliveries across multiple locations in real-time.

    By automating inventory processes and integrating them with sales and procurement, ERP systems help maintain optimal stock levels, reduce overstocking and shortages, and enhance supply chain efficiency. This leads to improved service levels, reduced costs, and better overall operational responsiveness.

    Common Challenges of Implementing ERP Systems

    challenge in implementing erp

    Although ERP offers many benefits, it does not mean that implementing the system will be a smooth journey without obstacles. Here are some of the challenges that companies often face when they want to implement ERP:

    1. Comes with upfront and ongoing costs

    Enterprise software, including ERP systems, often comes with a high price tag. Although these systems typically justify their cost over time, the upfront expenses might deter some companies. The costs break down into:

    • Licensing fees for acquiring the software package or a license can vary by vendor but often amount to a significant sum.
    • Implementation expenses related to deploying the software within your organization, including hiring skilled personnel, dedicating time, and providing training.
    • Ongoing maintenance costs are essential for keeping the ERP software current and operational to ensure you benefit from its use, necessitating a long-term budget consideration.

    2. Requires executive buy-in

    Initiating a major shift, like adopting an ERP system, must begin with leadership’s endorsement. Securing the backing and approval of senior executives, especially the CEO or CFO, is essential yet difficult. However, their support simplifies the process of implementing change across the organization and ensures access to the required funding and resources.

    3. Organizational resistance

    Even with the obvious advantages of ERP solutions, the natural aversion to change can lead to pushback and delays from your team when introducing a new system. This resistance is often amplified if the team does not fully grasp the significance of implementing the new ERP system. According to a study by Deloitte, 94% of companies face organizational resistance and cultural challenges when implementing ERP systems.

    4. Requires system customization

    Implementing ERP software requires a significant investment in customizing the system to fit your business’s unique requirements. While these customizations are ultimately advantageous, they increase the initial investment. Either through direct costs or time spent, it adds to an already costly procedure.

    5. Takes time to realize ROI

    Seeing the benefits of ERP software can take some time. On average, companies saw a return on their ERP investment in a little over 2.5 years. Initially, after setting everything up and getting your team accustomed to the new system, the advantages might not be immediately obvious.

    Nonetheless, for growing businesses at the right stage, it takes little time before the positive impacts are felt. In expanding enterprises, where operations often get more complicated, streamlining processes through an ERP system can quickly prove to be a substantial benefit.

    How To Overcome ERP Implementation Challenges

    overcoming erp challenges

    An ERP system is crucial for your business operations and impacts key functions. If not managed well, its implementation can cause problems, increase costs, and harm your reputation. However, if done right, a good ERP system can transform your business.

    It can increase revenue, improve customer and employee satisfaction, help your company adjust to changes, and boost your brand’s value. Therefore, your organization needs to invest in careful planning and resource allocation for a successful implementation. Here are five ways to ensure that your business’s ERP implementation is a success:

    1. Define your company’s goals

    Identifying your goals and objectives is the foremost step in any project. It’s essential to recognize where you currently stand and where you aim to be to figure out the most effective route. Analyze the present condition of your system and what you wish it to achieve while considering your business’s environment and strategic goals.

    This evaluation should include a review of your existing business processes, technological framework, and workforce competencies. Upon conclusion, you’ll gain a comprehensive insight into your requirements and key priorities, leading to defining your objectives clearly.

    2. Choose the right vendor for your business

    With your ERP objectives clearly defined, you can begin the vendor evaluation process. Choose a solution that matches your business type and industry. Look for a vendor with a deep understanding of your specific business area to ensure they can quickly implement the system, apply best practices, and speed up your return on investment.

    However, consider the ongoing expenses after the system is in place. As your business adapts to the fluctuating market, your requirements will shift. Evaluate the costs of adding new ERP features, including update costs, necessary technical skills, and the potential effects on your operations. It’s advisable to opt for a solution that’s adaptable to future changes.

    If you’re looking to enhance your business operations in the Philippines, discovering the right ERP vendor is crucial. We highly recommend reading our ERP recommendations article to explore a curated list of reputable ERP providers that can transform your business efficiency and competitiveness.

    3. Get all the team involved

    The success of any top-tier ERP system hinges on user acceptance. Shifting to a new ERP system involves a comprehensive organizational overhaul, demanding a well-defined change management approach.

    • Establish a central team tasked with supervising change management.
    • Create an internal communication strategy to inform and educate staff, stakeholders, and possibly customers.
    • Keep a vigilant eye on progress, assess adoption levels, and adapt the communication strategy accordingly.

    4. Test and validate your system

    Evaluating your new ERP system through testing is crucial to pinpointing potential issues or flaws before its official launch. This proactive measure aids in mitigating risks such as system malfunctions, data inaccuracies, and other potential disruptions to operations. Testing additionally allows for verifying seamless integration with pertinent systems.

    5. Train the employees

    Before launching a new ERP system, ensure that your staff is proficient in its usage. While training materials from the vendor are available, they are typically tailored to the standard software. Since the system will be customized to suit your industry and organization, there will be slight variations in the final setup. Therefore, it’s crucial to collaborate with the vendor to develop training materials tailored to your specific requirements.


    Implementing an ERP system has many significant benefits for businesses. Although it has its challenges, success is achievable with careful planning, thorough testing, and strong leadership support. Businesses can effectively use ERP to boost efficiency, customer satisfaction, and achieve sustainable growth.

    One of the most trustworthy ERP vendors in the Philippines is HashMicro. Renowned in two industry-heavy countries, Singapore and Indonesia, it has helped thousands of enterprises of various industries to elevate their businesses. With localized features to accommodate unique business needs, comprehensive features, a dedicated support team, and strong ISO-certified security, HashMicro is ready to assist Philippine businesses to thrive.

    If you want to know more about how HashMicro’s ERP system can contribute to your business’s success, you can register for a free demo now.


    Nur Fi'llia Nugrahani
    Nur Fi'llia Nugrahani
    A content writer at HashMicro. Loves to learn a lot, always keen to observe, ask, and discuss about anything that comes across her mind. Has been writing high-quality articles about technology and business practices.

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