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HomeAccountingA Comprehensive Guide to IFRS in the Philippines

A Comprehensive Guide to IFRS in the Philippines

Imagine losing global opportunities just because your financial reports don’t align with international standards—a risk no business can afford. For Filipino business owners, following International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) isn’t just compliance; it’s about positioning your company for success, attracting foreign investors, and staying competitive in global markets. Implementing IFRS could be the game-changer your business needs to thrive internationally.

Curious about how this can enhance your financial reporting? Our guide offers clear insights into what IFRS is, why it matters, and how your business can easily adopt these standards. Don’t let outdated practices limit your growth—see how this can open doors to bigger opportunities and secure your spot in the global market.

Key Takeaways

  • Aligning with IFRS through PFRS is crucial for Filipino businesses to ensure global competitiveness and attract investors. Reliable accounting software automates complex financial processes, making compliance easier.
  • HashMicro’s software tailored for the Philippines automates financial tasks like reporting and PFRS/IFRS compliance. This reduces manual work and minimizes errors.
  • Adopting IFRS opens doors to international markets. The right software ensures compliance, allowing businesses to focus on growth and credibility.


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    What are International Financial Reporting Standards?

    what is ifrs?

    The International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are global accounting standards developed by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). In the Philippines, these standards are adopted as Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRS), which align closely with IFRS. PFRS is the main accounting framework for publicly accountable entities like listed companies, banks, and insurers. The goal is to ensure financial statements are transparent, comparable, and reliable across jurisdictions, boosting credibility and investor confidence.

    For Filipino businesses, especially those involved in cross-border transactions or seeking foreign investment, following PFRS is crucial. Since PFRS is based on IFRS, businesses can produce reports that meet global standards, making it easier to build trust. This alignment helps businesses integrate seamlessly into the global market by offering consistent financial information that meets international expectations. Proper adherence to these standards not only improves credibility but also increases access to international growth opportunities.

    List of Key IFRS Standards

    The International IFRS has been adopted in the Philippines as PFRS. Several IFRS standards are particularly relevant and have been integrated into PFRS for businesses in the Philippines. Among the key standards are:

    1. PFRS 9: Financial Instruments – Governs the classification, measurement, and recognition of financial assets and liabilities.
    2. PFRS 15: Revenue from Contracts with Customers – Provides guidelines on how and when to recognize revenue from customer contracts.
    3. PFRS 16: Leases – Addresses the recognition, measurement, and presentation of lease contracts.
    4. IAS 16: Property, Plant, and Equipment – Covers the accounting for tangible fixed assets, including acquisition, depreciation, and disposal.
    5. IAS 36: Impairment of Assets – Focuses on procedures for assessing and recognizing asset impairment when their value falls below recoverable amounts.

    These standards ensure financial statements are consistent, transparent, and meet global expectations. For Filipino businesses, PFRS compliance satisfies local regulations and aligns with international investor requirements. This alignment enhances credibility and enables smoother cross-border transactions.

    IFRS vs. GAAP: What’s the Difference?

    One of the key questions that often arises is how IFRS compares to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), particularly for businesses transitioning from one standard to the other. While both aim to provide accurate financial information, the primary difference lies in their approach. IFRS is principles-based, offering more flexibility in interpretation, while GAAP is rules-based, with more specific guidelines and fewer areas open to judgment.

    For Filipino businesses, understanding these differences is crucial, especially if they are expanding operations internationally or working with foreign partners. IFRS’s principles-based approach allows for more adaptability and insights into their accounting principle. This can be advantageous in the business environment of the Philippines.


    History of IFRS

    The International Financial Reporting Standards have undergone significant evolution over the decades, shaping the global landscape of financial reporting. Understanding its historical journey and how it was adopted in the Philippines through the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards highlights the importance of standardized accounting practices.

    Key Milestones:

    • 1973: The International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) was formed to establish global accounting principles.
    • 2000: IOSCO endorsed IFRS for cross-border securities offerings, boosting global acceptance.
    • 2001: The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) replaced the IASC, taking over the development and refinement of IFRS.
    • 2002: The European Union mandated IFRS for all publicly listed companies by 2005, solidifying IFRS as the global standard.
    • 2005: The Philippines adopted IFRS under PFRS, aligning closely with global practices while ensuring local relevance.
    • Present: PFRS, governed by the Philippine SEC, remains the mandatory framework for publicly accountable entities, promoting transparency and global alignment.

    The historical development of IFRS and its adoption through PFRS in the Philippines demonstrate a commitment to global financial integrity. For Filipino businesses, complying with PFRS ensures credibility and competitiveness in both local and international markets

    Who Uses IFRS?

    who use ifrs?

    IFRS is the most widely accepted accounting framework, used in over 140 countries worldwide. In the Philippines, publicly listed companies must adopt IFRS to ensure consistent and internationally comparable financial reporting. Many large private companies also adopt IFRS to stay competitive and attract global investors.

    Given its complexity, businesses often rely on accounting software to simplify IFRS compliance and manage finances efficiently. One of the providers offering comprehensive accounting software tailored for the Philippine market is HashMicro. Tailored accounting solutions that help Filipino businesses stay compliant with PFRS and IFRS, automating complex financial processes for better accuracy and growth-focused management.

    Why is IFRS Important for Filipino Businesses?

    For Filipino businesses, adopting IFRS through PFRS is crucial to avoid accounting problems that could arise from inconsistent or outdated practices. Without IFRS, financial statements may lack comparability, accuracy, and transparency, leading to issues like non-compliance, misreporting, and difficulties in securing investments. This could also hinder international business expansion due to inconsistencies in financial reporting, making it harder to attract global investors or partners.

    The Philippines enforces regulations to ensure PFRS compliance, including the Securities Regulation Code Rule 68 for large and listed entities. Additionally, the PFRS for SMEs, introduced in 2010, offers a simplified framework for small businesses, making compliance easier. These regulations help Filipino businesses remain globally competitive and facilitate cross-border transactions.

    Adhering to PFRS manually can be complex, especially with fair value tracking and lease accounting. Reliable accounting software automates these processes, reducing errors and ensuring compliant reporting. Automation simplifies compliance, allowing businesses to focus on growth and making accounting software indispensable for navigating PFRS requirements.

    HashMicro’s Accounting Software for Easy Law Regulation

    accounting software Hashmicro

    HashMicro’s accounting software is designed to simplify financial management while ensuring full compliance with PFRS and IFRS. The software automates key accounting tasks, reduces the risk of human error, and provides real-time financial data, making it easier for businesses to follow regulations without additional burden. Below are some key features that make HashMicro’s software an excellent choice for Filipino businesses:

    • Automated Compliance Reporting: The software generates reports that comply with PFRS and IFRS, reducing manual effort and ensuring that financial statements are always accurate.
    • Integrated Financial Modules: With modules that handle accounts receivable, payable, general ledger, and more, the software synchronizes all financial data seamlessly, ensuring consistency and transparency while simplifying financial management.
    • Real-time Financial Insights: Provides real-time dashboards and analytics that help businesses track financial health, ensuring timely and informed decision-making.
    • Multi-currency Support: Facilitates smooth cross-border transactions by automatically converting currencies, ideal for businesses engaged in international trade.
    • Customizable Workflows: Allows businesses to tailor processes to fit their unique needs while maintaining compliance with local and international accounting standards.

    While numerous accounting software options exist, few match HashMicro’s comprehensive features designed for Filipino businesses. HashMicro simplifies financial processes while ensuring full compliance with PFRS and IFRS standards. The software’s automation eliminates complex manual tasks, enabling seamless compliance and efficient financial management. With HashMicro, businesses can confidently focus on growth and expansion.


    For Filipino businesses, adopting IFRS through PFRS is more than regulatory compliance—it’s key to transparency, attracting investors, and driving growth. While these standards may seem complex, especially for SMEs, the long-term benefits make the effort worthwhile. With HashMicro’s accounting software, managing compliance becomes effortless, allowing you to focus on growth.

    HashMicro’s accounting software automates PFRS processes, offers real-time insights, and ensures transaction accuracy. This makes staying compliant stress-free, even for businesses handling cross-border operations. Simplify your accounting and gain a competitive edge—request a free demo today and discover how HashMicro can enhance your financial management!


    Frequently Asked Questions

    • Why is IFRS important in financial accounting?

      IFRS is vital in financial accounting as it ensures transparency, consistency, and comparability across global markets. By adhering to these international standards, businesses can gain investor trust, streamline cross-border transactions, and maintain credibility in global operations, enabling smoother international expansion.

    • What are the 4 financial statements of IFRS?

      The four financial statements under IFRS are:

      • Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
      • Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income
      • Statement of Changes in Equity
      • Statement of Cash Flows
    • What are four general IFRS principles?

      Four key IFRS principles are:

      • Accrual Basis: Transactions are recorded when they occur, not when cash is received.
      • Going Concern: Assumes the business will continue operating.
      • Consistency: Consistent application of accounting methods.
      • Fair Presentation: Financial statements must represent the company’s true financial position.
    Muhammad Oktrianda Arrafi
    Muhammad Oktrianda Arrafi
    As a literature lover, I have always loved reading and writing. My career as an SEO Specialist and Content Writer helped me enjoy more of this niche as I have always fought nail and tooth to bring out the best of my writing.

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