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ERP Software Provider in Malaysia for Various Industry

Cloud ERP Software to automate various aspects of business, suitable for multiple types of companies. Take more accurate decisions with the support of the most advanced business management software.

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The Benefits of HashMicro's ERP System

Sistem CRM perusahaan
Sistem CRM terjangkau

Simple Bookkeeping

Automatic and accurate recording of transactions for easy-to-understand financial reports.

Program CRM

Realtime Report

Cloud ERP helps you create comprehensive reports about your business performance anytime and anywhere in real time.

Sistem CRM perusahaan
Aplikasi CRM

Multi-Companies Management

Manage various companies that have different operational and organizational structures in one centralized ERP platform.

Sistem CRM lokal

Customized Features

ERP solutions are customized to meet the company's needs with the goal of increasing efficiency.

Key Features on a Cloud ERP

Konsultasi Sistem CRM

Manage Thousands of SKUs

Improve accuracy in managing thousands of SKU data to prevent input errors, calculations, and stock loss.

Sistem CRM lokal

Smart Transaction Bookkeeping

Automatically record all expenses, cost, bank reconciliations, and sales transactions.

Sistem CRM yang digunakan perusahaan

Increase Sales

Improve sales team performance with easier prospect monitoring, follow-up, and sales figure forecasting.

Sistem CRM murah

Planned Stock Purchases

Automatic purchase by the system the stock approaches minimum availability to achieve smoother transactions.

Sistem CRM terjangkau

Fast Stock Opname

Automatic calculation of stock availability and monitor product entry and exit directly.

Program CRM

Production Cost Control

Full control of production costs starting from purchasing, production results, and transfer of components from defective products.

Complete ERP Program Modules Integration

Accounting Systems

Modern and accurate bookkeeping automation that helps facilitate real-time daily recording.

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Sales System

Monitor sales in real time and make it easy for all sales team support to increase profit.

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Manage tens to thousands of clients' data at an affordable costs and automate client-related activities to maintain good relationships.

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HR System

Automation of all HR tasks in order to improve service quality and increase work productivity.

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Inventory Management

Manage thousands of assets, SKUs, products & raw material stocks in a simple and planned manner.

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Manufacturing Management

Reliable accounting system and production activities with accurate data to fully contribute to production costs.

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Purchasing System

A purchasing system makes it easy for you to analyze and control purchase costs.

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Frequently asked questions about our software solutions.

We provide various types of support, from free consultations and blueprints to training and user manuals, ensuring that your software is runs smoothly.
Our solutions are very comprehensive and designed for 15 industries. Our ERP system offers unlimited user licenses. Therefore, it can be used by everyone in your company at no additional cost.
We provide ready-made software that continually improves our development team. However, our software can also be tailored to meet the unique requirements of each of our clients.
Yes, our software has a mobile version to help you run your business better. Our mobile apps cover various functions, depending on the modules you are using.
EQUIP is web-based ERP software that can be run through the internet on any mobile device via any web browser.
We use PostgreSQL database management system, which ensures data security and scalable performance for many of simultaneous users.
We use Python, one of the most popular programming languages, to develop our software programs.


ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system is a system that is widely used by companies to integrate all company resources. ERP systems can facilitate companies in planning to management of company resources. ERP software is a system that makes it easy for companies to manage all performance ranging from production and distribution. The ERP system becomes a software that the company must have to facilitate its business management and accelerate business development.

ERP software is a very helpful system to manage its business. Starting from the production, distribution, procurement, and storage of goods can be easily managed using ERP software. That's why many companies have used ERP software to manage their business

ERP could be a stage where companies utilize to oversee and coordinated the basic parts of their businesses. Numerous ERP program applications are basic to companies since they offer assistance them execute asset arranging by coordination all the forms required to run their companies with a single framework.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are software applications that are designed to manage and automate business processes across different departments and functions of an organization. The following are some of the key functions of an ERP system:

1. Financial management: An ERP system provides financial management tools that enable businesses to manage accounting, financial reporting, cash flow management, and financial planning.
2. Supply chain management: ERP systems help businesses optimize their supply chain operations by managing inventory, purchasing, shipping, and logistics.
3. Human resources management: ERP systems help manage employee data, payroll, benefits, performance, and training.
4. Customer relationship management: ERP systems help businesses manage their customer data, interactions, and support services.
5. Manufacturing and production: ERP systems help businesses plan and execute their manufacturing and production processes, including scheduling, production tracking, and quality control.
6. Project management: ERP systems help businesses manage project timelines, budgets, resources, and deliverables.
7. Business intelligence and reporting: ERP systems provide analytics and reporting tools that help businesses analyze and understand their operations, performance, and profitability.

Overall, ERP systems provide businesses with a centralized and integrated view of their operations, enabling better decision-making, increased efficiency, and improved customer satisfaction.

An ERP system can simplify your complete business and centralize all of your data, allowing for more accurate reporting and a productive, team-based, and data-driven workplace.

Organizations that want to manage their business operations inside a central and integrated system employ ERP systems. Companies involved in the supply chain frequently utilize ERP to keep track of all the moving elements associated with production and distribution.

ERP systems provide businesses with easily accessible, real-time performance statistics as well as other pertinent information. obtaining information from a single, centralized source will enable departmental accountability and break down organizational barriers.

ERP software works by simplifying and automating the workflow on a centralized database. ERP software uses a dashboard that makes it easy for users to view real-time data and business processes in all departments. ERP software also records the entire production process and makes it easy for companies to manage it. In addition, ERP software can also provide data from various departments that can be accessed by all employees in the company

ERP software can unite a variety of company data in one integrated system. The company will have no difficulty in accessing and searching for data from each department. ERP applications can also be adjusted to the type of company industry. This allows companies to add several other features to the ERP system

ERP frameworks work by employing a characterized, standard information structure. Data entered by one office is instantly accessible to authorized clients over the trade. This uniform structure makes a difference and keep everybody on the same page.

  • Accounting management
  • Inventory management
  • Procurement management
  • Manufacturing management
  • Human ressources management
  • Customer relationship management
  • Supply chain management
  • Inventory management
  • Project management
  • Sales management

All types of companies in Indonesia ranging from manufacturing to retail can use the most complete ERP application to assist them in operating their business. The ERP program is a system that is very easy to customize based on the needs and fields of each industry. Companies can adjust ERP software based on the industrial field and the needs of their companies

Many companies in Indonesia have used ERP applications and come from various types of industries. Industries ranging from mining, manufacturing, retail, supermarket, and agriculture use the ERP system

while the extended administration capabilities of an ERP framework are exceedingly esteemed by businesses who fabricate, and/or convey items, ERP is, at its center, an asset administration stage, and each commerce has assets it ought to see after; whether that be its funds, its representatives, or its commerce information.
HashMicro Malaysia


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